Scientific Dimensions

Web address

The major gap that the formula of the same name is already in the process of closing therefore lies in the intrinsic lack of transparency of what is going on under the hood of our computer devices. Considering indeed that each party to the franchising agreement is supposed to be granted the same ownership privileges with regard to the authorship rights that s·he can rightfully reserve for him·herself within the boundaries of his·her perimeter of responsibility, the existing imbalance is weighted in favour of the providers of our "container" devices, who reserve themselves a much more intelligible understanding of how users handle the operating system, whereas users are left in the fog as to how the source code might interpret their contents.
Solving this technical-legal prisoner’s dilemma (3) which negatively impacts the economic balance at each new level of aggregation (4), implies the outright conceptual lockup of every affiliate member’s franchising perimeter. In order to be enabled to lawfully reserve all authorship rights upon his·her perimeter of responsibility, the user will therefore have to accept to submit him·herself to a conceptual declaration-based configuration process under permanent auditing, through which s·he will be asked to confirm the uses s·he intends to make of the services s·he plans to activate (5), which will allow the affiliate provider to reduce his·her surveillance to a necessary and sufficient compliancy monitoring confirming that the user is indeed respecting his·her commitments. Along with the same rationale, the said provider will have to equip franchised users with additional native data retrieval tools aiming for the further conceptual processing of such metadata that users need in order to fulfill their own EVM requirements.
It is the very conceptual integrity of the permanent auditing process inherent in the master-franchising rationale itself, which, by encouraging everyone to more transparency through conceptual bonus-malus incentives (6), will empower each indirectly or directly franchised user with the motivational guarantee that active participation in the network’s many feedback forums will effectively translate into increasing reliability of our devices and self-sustainable capitalization dynamics (7).
In accordance with the conceptual reciprocity principle laid out herein, which also requires that each set of data retrieved from the user for the necessary and sufficient purpose of providing a franchised solution must be "restituted" to the said customer in the verifiable (i.e. auditable) form of a finished product and/or service, each affiliate member and/or entity of my master franchising system will be enabled to measure and assert his·her·its individual and/or collective contribution to the global balance of Planet+Ultra® (8). In other words: franchised members commit themselves to report on the uses they are making of the resources allocated to them (9).
Published by Daniela BERNDT on 2018-06-28.
Further reading