NetPlusUltra®-Enabled Digital Rights Engineering, by Daniela BERNDT

Profile-Activities-Resources Adequacy

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Starting from the conceptual reassertion requirement validated in the previous blog entry, my objective for the "Externet+ / Lightweight" stages remains - at master-franchisor level - to integrate the inventory of all shortcomings that flaw our starter configurations - on both sides of a globally unbalanced sheet of consumption and production accounts - into a catalogue of master-franchise-enabled service level guarantees to be provided at the Externet+ level.
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Conceptual Reassertion

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In order to enable each and everyone - at their own pace and level - to step back and reconsider the big picture of what remains to be accomplished, I suggest we start with a conceptual reassertion of the initial mission statement (1, 2, 3) to be translated:
  • into sub-objectives,
  • into action plans,
  • into resources and means:
    • both quantitatively intelligible,
    • and qualitatively measurable.
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Foreword to Version 3.0/2020

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How to measure a qualitative return on experience pertaining to conceptual capitalization, while at the same time maintaining a sustainable dynamic of change within continuity, when the principle of the conceptual separation of concerns with a view to the securement of added value requires to resort to app-based web design tools which come short of an automated journaling feature at end user level, knowing that such a feature could compromise the very principle that is supposed to keep authors self-sustained? This entirely remastered v3.0/2020 of the present changeblog (1) brings a full (graphic) bundle (06/10 [2]) of answers to precisely that type of questions pertaining to the "conceptualization of global systemics underlying web design".
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