NetPlusUltra®-Enabled Digital Rights Engineering, by Daniela BERNDT

Orga-Tech Dimensions

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It is the conceptual integrity principle invoked in the foreword to the present v2.2/2018 which, by monitoring the integration of validated returns on experience into the master-franchising system’s knowledge spectroscopy for decision-making, turns each franchised author into his·her own "Data Protection Officer" (1), until the growth of the latter’s activity justifies the partial delegation of the underlying perimeter of responsibility to another duly franchised partner. Indeed, considering that all data generated by the author goes into the latter’s value creation process in order to be transformed into a knowledge intensive web product and/or service with high commercial value, it is not conceivable to transfer the responsibility of the control of the author’s intangible business assets over to a third-party (2) without infringing the legitimate content owner’s double moral and financial right to sustain a living from his·her creations.
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Since there is an obvious conflict of professional cultures between public organizations (promoting a dysfunction-based fragmented approach) and private businesses (piloting process-oriented integrated systems), the NetPlusUltra®-sustained master-franchising solution (3) will be implemented, upon deployment of the registration portal thereto, along a top-down rationale aiming for the disentanglement of such contradictory practices which currently prevail due to the social networks’ falsely free-of-charge business model. In other words: the focus will lie on the multidimensional separation of concerns with a view to reintegration, so as to enable everyone to free themselves from the politico-sectarian divide-and-rule logic which consolidates nothing but the status quo at the point of inertia.
This phase of redeployment will enable internet users to manage their reentry into the network (4), and if need be, to regain control over data potentially compromised by existing structural flaws (5): indeed, since the implementation of the NetPlusUltra®-enabled master-franchising service comes with the introduction of an unique digital signature, each franchised member will be empowered to oppose the authenticity of verified intangible assets to hacked or counterfeited contents, so as to invalidate the latter with a view to the suppression thereof (which, from a preventive conceptual perspective, goes way beyond the simple right of erasure as part of the right to be forgotten [6]).
For all franchised users (active consumers and producers of assets alike), the "Externet+" experience will be entirely dedicated to the Unified Conceptual Declaration, to which due registration will authorize access. As the franchised member’s source database containing all statistical and declarative (meta)data and information to be kept under permanent optimization with a view to real-time census and capitalization, this data container must be understood as the license holder’s "digital safe with integrated black box", on the foundation of which all subsequent member dashboards will update themselves, one ID at a time, in order to prevent valuable raw material from getting lost or compromised during redundant processing operations from one value aggregation level to the next (7).
Published by Daniela BERNDT on 2018-06-12.
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