Cultural Dimensions

Web address

The capacity of a franchised producer of intangible assets to motivate him or herself towards the sustainable renewal of the production cycle (4) will depend on the conceptual integrity of the incubation process through which raw material (data) is transformed into a finished product (a concept solution). Starting at the Externet+ level, such a concept solution will therefore have to provide for the secured portability of data and contents (through such features as backup/restore and import/export for instance), and cover, by its completeness, the entirety of a specific problem-solving cycle (whether the problem to be solved consists in customizing one’s Unified Concept Declaration, in publishing a profile page, or in editing a picture).
As part of a franchise partnership between a project initiator and contributors at various service levels, conceptual earned value management tools will provide the normative-adaptative metrics for decision-making to be considered when the question arises of whether to renew a specific collaboration, on the grounds of the effective (i.e. measured) contribution of each team member to the creation of a climate of trust between associate partners, with due respect for the need of autonomy of each actor of the value chain. In addition to the Externet+ services, which will provide for the conceptually secured (i.e. intelligently automated) connection of profiles, based on each franchised member’s Unified Concept Declaration, the Intranet+ level will be required to bring complementary network service level guarantees, not only with regard to the compatibility of native configuration profiles, but also with a view to enabling the establishment of more targeted business partnerships (5).
The capitalization dynamics that a franchised web services provider will be enabled to create, towards the conceptual convergence of all parts of the system of which (s)he is the (Main) Data Controller, will safeguard the sustainability of the socio-economic model of Planet+Ultra®, and contribute to create the conditions of equal opportunities for all, with a view to addressing such issues as the fostering of self-accomplishment through the alignment of personal interests with the greater good, the effective moral and financial recognition of everyone’s franchise perimeter, and the active participation of everyone in the intra- and intergenerational transmission of the system’s societal legacy ([6], [7]).
Published by Daniela BERNDT on 2018-06-19.