NetPlusUltra®-Enabled Digital Rights Engineering, by Daniela BERNDT

About v1.0/2016

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The renewal of the NetPlusUltra®-sustained auditing cycle, as we approach the date of the annual macOS upgrade to Sierra, brings to the fore the necessity to detach the societal legitimacy issues underlying this master franchising solution for web authors, which are addressed on my Dashfolio, from the questions pertaining to the technical implementation of this problem-solving matrix at each level of the NetPlusUltra®-enabled perimeter.
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Along with my Dashfolio, whose purpose is more than ever to put the emphasis on the nuts and bolts of the chronic under-funding problem which uselessly hinders the development of my registration portal, this new Techfolio module will focus in the first instance on the technical constraints that create and maintain this situation of systemic under-performance.
Accordingly, this blog will provide regular program status updates supported by relevant redirections to further web sources, as the objective remains to enable internet users concerned about successful program implementation, not only to better assess the multidimensional nature of the issues raised at each step of the value chain unveiled in the main Testfolio Omega website, but also to take an active part in the matrix-based resolution thereof, through the adoption of best (conceptualized) practices.
Daniela BERNDT
Topics of interest with regard to the present audit perimeter
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